Tuesday, November 23, 2010 8:34 PM This is a disaster. This is a nightmare. I'm scared. I'm worried. I'm sad. Please stop the war. Koreans, please. Stop taking innocent lives away. It's not worth it. Right now, We can only pray and hope that everyone will be fine and also for the war to stop. Peace. Please... Pray for Korea. Peace Korea.
Saturday, November 20, 2010 8:30 PM YO. Time passes really fast. It's already the 20 November. I don't want school to re-open! Noooo! :X But thats a fact. And there's nothing I can do about it. ._. Anyway! Today's Arron's birthday! Wished him a happy birthday on his blog. ^^ I completely forgot Calvin's birthday! Gah. I'm so sorry! ._. SORRY! MIANHAE! :( I'm back on CS and Maple! I played Maple cos' there's a new job. ^^ Dual Blade~ Level: 33. And for CS, There's this zombie game which is purely awesome. I always use a shotgun to defeat them. I mean, The knockback is bigger. And I feel even more secure with a shotgun. I don't know why. LOL. To Saturday Er Hu teacher: I know you're reading this. I know. >:) Leave a tag? (: Gotta go now guys, BYE! ^^ 飛輪海 ♥ Beast B2ST ♥
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 8:41 PM YO. [Thursday, 28 October 2010] Went for High Achiever's Tea! It was kinda boring. Cus' I wasn't sitting with my friends. -.- I was right at one end, And my friends were behind me, But at the OTHER end. So yeah, I was sitting alone. And I decided to just pay attention to the talk since I had nothing to do. See, I'm so well-behaved. HEHE. Bhb.. XD After that, Ate in the canteen with mum. :D Then we went to Serangoon to buy food and bedding for our hamsters. And lastly, We went back to AMK for lunch? Can't really remember. XD Ate McDonalds. Cus' there was the Monopoly thing going on again. HAHA. Just... Try your luck. ^^ Ah... Going out with mum is DAEBAK! :D [Sunday, 31 October 2010] Went to the dentist for my braces thing. He inserted a seperator into my teeth. Somewhere near the molar. Wah... Very pain! It's for making space between your teeth, So that the dentist would be able to insert a metal ring next. After the metal ring would be the braces. ._. It's hard to eat with the seperator... You would feel as if you have no strength to bite the food. And it's a bit painful. But after a few days, It would be okay. XD (: [Tuesday, 2 November 2010] Went to school for CCA. Sigh. I just don't understand. O levels is going on, My CCA is held in the music room, Which is at the SAME level as the hall, And it's quite close to it. Why still have CCA? OM Han came to check on us and told us we were too noisy. Then why tell us to come for our CCA in the first place? WHY?! Don't waste my time uh.. ._. [Wednesday, 3 November 2010] Went to Ruo Xuan's house today. ^^ After that, We headed for the gym near her house. Didn't do much there, Cus' the gym was kinda small. It has 2 cycle thingy. 1 machine for running. And the rest is for lifting weights. Next time should go there to train for 2.4km run. And napfa too. ^^ After that, Charlene came to find us. Then Charlene and I left Ruo Xuan's house and headed for Jurong Point. Charlene went to the 3rd level Garden Plaza to uh... Think about Beast when they came to Singapore for the autograph session. She even sat on the stage and didn't want to leave. HAHA. And before she left, She sort of slammed the stage. Hee. Don't worry la Charlene, The next time Beast comes for an autograph session, I'll go with you. ^^ After that, We went into Comics Connection to look for Beast's stuff. I didn't buy anything. Cus' the thing that I want to buy wasn't there. I've been looking for it! So hard... T_T I'll keep looking for it till I find it! Reached home at 7+. Was planning to go to Yewtee. But Charlene's father was real mad. So it was cancelled. Ah, It was a good day though. Shall head for the other comics connection for Beast's stuff! HWAITING! XD OH YA. Beast's 4th album is coming out! Titled: "Lights Go On Again" Woots! Gonna get it! :D That's all for today. ^^ BYE! ^^ 飛輪海 ♥ Beast B2ST ♥
Its Show time, ![]() Arron Yan ♥ , 炎亞綸 ♥
YO.My name is Wei Ling (: Love 飛輪海 lots! Hope to get all their albums + merchandise and attend their concert (: Feel free to tag me!(: Sing with me, DARlinks ♥ ♥ Prince 王子 ♥ MaoDi 毛弟 ♥ AoQuan 敖犬 ♥ Arron Yan 炎亞綸 ♥ Calvin Chen 辰亦儒 ♥ Chun Wu 吳尊 ♥ Jiro Wang 汪東城 ♥ Danson Tang 唐禹哲 ♥ Alien 小鬼 ♥ Show Luo 羅志祥 Click and go, Kor Kor Kevin Kun Yao Wynn Wen Qi Jamie Teng Rong Debbie Charlene Claire Chester HaiCheng Walk back with me. April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 Thanks Designer: JERMAINE (!) Basecode: ♥bangthewall. Icons: Hengxing LiveJournal |